When it comes to building a successful team, having talented individuals is important, but it’s not the only factor in determining success. John Maxwell’s “Law of the Edge” states that the difference between two equally talented teams is leadership. In other words, the team with a leader who has the “edge” in their leadership abilities will come out on top.
In this blog, we’ll be exploring the concept of having an “edge” in leadership and how it can help you assemble a team that will take your business to success. We’ll look at what makes someone a leader with the edge, and what qualities they possess that make them stand out from the rest of their peers. Finally, we’ll discuss how these qualities can be implemented in your own team to help you reach the pinnacle of success. So, if you’re looking to take your business to the next level and build a team that will get you there, this blog is for you!
So, what exactly does it mean to have the “edge”?
When it comes to leadership, having an edge means having an extraordinary set of abilities that help you stand out from the rest. This doesn’t mean having a certain set of skills, but rather possessing qualities that contribute to overall excellence as a leader. These qualities can include things like:
• Leaders elevate their team performance by clearly communicating a vision and inspiring others to reach it.
• Leaders challenge the team’s thinking by introducing disruptive ideas and questioning the status quo.
• Leaders increase the teams confidence by providing support and resources needed to reach the goals.
• Leaders raise the team’s expectations by setting high standards and rewarding those who meet them.
These qualities are what make a leader stand out, and they can have a significant impact on the team’s performance. By having an edge in leadership, you can create a team that will help your business reach success.
But how do you go about developing these qualities?
John says you must know yourself to grow yourself. That means taking the time to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and developing a plan for how you can use them effectively. Learning from your mistakes is important too, as well as getting feedback from those around you. Leaders with an edge also understand the importance of self-care; they take time for themselves and practice balanced living.
Here are a few steps to start to get to know yourself:
• Reflect on your past successes and take stock of what you have achieved. For example, what have you accomplished in the past year?
• Evaluate your communication style. How do you communicate with others? Are there any areas where it could be improved?
• Identify the areas in which you are most passionate. What do you love doing and why?
• Identify your values. What do you believe in and how does that impact your decisions and actions?
• Take a Working Genius Assessment (ask Jeri Ann https://bit.ly/SchedulewithJeriAnnKelly)
By taking the time to get to know yourself, you can develop a plan for how you can use your strengths and weaknesses effectively. With this approach, you can become the leader with the edge that your team needs to reach success.
Once you take time to know yourself, start working on your areas of strength. Which of these are you strongest in?
• Thinking outside the box: Leaders who are able to think out of the box come up with innovative ideas that can lead to creative solutions.
• Creating a strong culture of collaboration: Leaders who foster an environment of collaboration and cooperation between their team members help to create a culture that encourages success.
• Listening actively: Active listening shows your team that you value their input and ideas, creating an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.
• Showing empathy: Being able to empathize with your team members can help them open up about their experiences, and better understand their needs.
• Building relationships: Leaders who take the time to build relationships with their team members will be more successful in motivating them to achieve success.
• Excellent communication: Being able to communicate clearly and effectively is an essential skill for any leader. An excellent communicator takes the time to listen to their team and presents ideas in a way that resonates with them.
• Vision: Leaders will have a clear vision of where they want the team to go and how they plan to get there. They will be able to communicate this vision effectively, inspiring others and motivating them to take action.
• Adaptability: Leaders understand that things can change quickly and they need to be able to adapt. They are flexible enough to adjust their strategies in response to changing conditions, and have a willingness to take risks in order to maximize results.
• Decision-making: Leaders are confident in their ability to make decisions quickly and effectively. They don’t hesitate when faced with difficult decisions, and they have the courage to stand by their decisions.
These qualities are what set a leader with an edge apart from the rest. When you’re assembling your team, look for individuals who possess these qualities and you will have an edge over other teams. When everyone is working together towards a common goal, leadership can be the difference between success and failure.
So, how do you ensure that your team has the edge? The answer lies in the way you lead them. A leader with an edge will make sure their team is engaged and motivated, and they will provide feedback and support to help them reach their goals. They understand that everyone on the team plays an important role in achieving success, and they foster an environment in which everyone feels appreciated.
By implementing these strategies, you will be able to build a team with the edge that will help you reach success. With excellent communication, vision, adaptability, and decision-making skills at the helm of your team, you will have the confidence that comes with knowing that everything is taken care of. So, take a step back and assess what qualities you need to cultivate in order to build an exceptional team.
The key takeaway here is that leadership is the difference between two equally talented teams. Having a leader with the edge can make all the difference in achieving success, so make sure you are cultivating the right qualities in the leaders of your team. With this knowledge, you will have the confidence to take on any challenge and reach new heights!