High Road Leadership: The Fifth Tenet – Leaders Develop Emotional Competency
In the transformative journey of leadership, there comes a time when we must confront our emotional landscape. This is not just about recognizing our emotions but understanding their impact on our actions and those around us. We’ve explored the importance of giving more than taking in the fourth tenet of high-road leadership. Today, let’s delve into the fifth tenet – Developing Emotional Competency. All of the tenets covered in my latest blog are from the Live2Lead 2023 learnings by John C Maxwell. Coming soon, his new book on High Road Leadership.
Understanding the Value of Emotional Competency
Emotional competency is the ability to navigate our emotions and understand others’ feelings effectively. It’s the capacity to handle emotional interactions judiciously and empathetically. As John Maxwell once said, “People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.” This encapsulates the essence of emotional competency in leadership.
High-road leaders are emotionally competent. They are aware of their own emotions, and they can manage them in constructive ways. They are also sensitive to the emotions of their team members, understanding that their words and actions can significantly impact their teams.
The Power of Emotional Competency
The Essence of High Road Leadership: A Brief Tale
Imagine a bustling tech company led by Mark, a manager known for his emotional competence. One day, he noticed that his top performer, Lucy, was showing signs of burnout. Instead of ignoring or criticizing her, Mark chose empathy.
He arranged a private meeting with Lucy, where he genuinely listened to her struggles without interrupting. He acknowledged her feelings and reassured her it was okay to take a break when necessary. He offered her a flexible work schedule and shared resources for professional help.
Mark’s empathetic approach made Lucy feel valued beyond her work. His actions fostered a sense of trust within the team, reinforcing the importance of emotional competence in leadership.
In conclusion, leaders like Mark, who prioritize emotional competence, create an environment where employees feel safe to express their emotions, contributing to a positive work culture and improved productivity.
Living Out the Tenet: Action Steps
So how can we cultivate emotional competency in our leadership? Here are some actionable steps:
- Self-Awareness: Understand your emotions. Recognize how they influence your decisions and actions.
- Self-Management: Learn to manage your emotions. Practice patience, calmness, and positivity, even in challenging situations.
- Empathy: Make an effort to understand and share the feelings of your team members. Show genuine care for their well-being.
- Effective Communication: Communicate your thoughts and feelings clearly and respectfully. Encourage open, honest communication within your team.
- Conflict Resolution: Use your emotional competency to navigate conflicts. Seek to understand before being understood, and strive for win-win solutions.
Remember, emotional competency isn’t about suppressing emotions. It’s about understanding and managing them effectively. As high-road leaders, let’s strive to create emotionally intelligent teams, where people feel safe to express their feelings, ideas, and concerns.
Conclusion: Leading with Emotional Competency
Leadership is not just about strategic decisions and goal-setting. It’s about connecting with people on a deeper level. It’s about understanding and managing our emotions and helping others do the same.
In conclusion, let’s remember the fifth tenet of high-road leadership: cultivate emotional competency. Because at the end of the day, the true measure of our leadership is not just what we achieve, but how we make people feel along the way.
So, my call to action for you today is this: Start cultivating emotional competency. Understand your emotions, manage them effectively, show empathy, communicate effectively, and navigate conflicts wisely. After all, the highest road to leadership is paved with emotional intelligence and empathy.