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Bringing Your Word of the Year to Life – 10 Tips for a Successful 2023

Are you ready to set yourself up for success in 2023? If so, consider selecting a word of the year. This practice is becoming increasingly popular among those looking to define their focus and prioritize personal growth. A word of the year helps provide clarity and direction, giving you something specific to work towards over the course of 12 months.

Choosing your word doesn’t have to be difficult – it could be anything from a core value or feeling that you’d like to cultivate or an action step that will make a positive difference in your life. The important thing is that it should be meaningful and actionable.

Once you’ve selected your word, think about how you can incorporate it into your daily life over the course of 2023.  Here’s a list of ways to use your word all year long!

1. Set a specific goal related to your word of the year and break it down into smaller, achievable steps.

2. Write an affirmation associated with your word of the year and repeat it daily to yourself or post it in a visible spot in your home/workspace.

3. Read books on topics related to your word of the year for added insight and inspiration.

4. Find or create artwork that reflects your word and hang it somewhere you’ll see it often.

5. Research people who embody the qualities associated with your word, learn from their journey and use them as motivation when needed.

6. Set monthly/weekly reminders on your phone or calendar related to your word of the year so that you can stay focused on it throughout the year.

7. Make a list of words associated with your chosen word, such as synonyms, antonyms, and related phrases that capture its essence even further.

8. Keep track of how you’re incorporating this into different aspects of your life by writing regular entries in a journal or digital document about this process

9. Become more mindful about opportunities where practicing this could bring value – if applicable, suggest improvements at work or jumpstart initiatives around this theme within your community/circle of friends

10. Celebrate successes no matter how big or small! This could involve treating yourself to something special or acknowledging progress made towards accomplishing goals set at the start of the year – whatever works for you.

Feeling inspired by the idea of having a word of the year? Start thinking about what yours would be and implementing the tips listed above to make it your reality. We’d love to hear what your word is, so leave us a comment down below with your choice! Good luck on your journey towards success in 2023!

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